Sunday, April 25, 2010

What were some of Greece's important contributions to society?


  1. Democracy
    Public Speaking
    Majority Rules

  2. The greece Contributed to society by inventing a democracy.pythagoras helped us learn some more about triangles and geomatry. Sophists developed public speaking and debates. Aristotle made books about physics and science which increased our knowledge of that area in education. And platp made a republic

    Taran Jaber

  3. The greek invented democracy and that is an important part of our world today. They also made the olympics which are a world wide phenomenon. aristotle was a very inteligent person that wrote books about science and physics and now we know more about physics and science, pythagoros figured out information about the triangle because that was his thing and now that has helped us not just in triangles but it's easier to calculate other shapes as well

    Jakob DeVos

  4. They invented the democracy that we some what use today. Had many of the ideas of the senate, also they practically started the position of earth. Started of started again the study of many things that we are trying to or are studying today. Had sports, and were architects. They also had the three branches that we have today (execuitive, legislative, and the judicial. Lastly they gave us the idea of roads.

    Derek Hamre

  5. They invented democracy they had sports, school taught math had a theater, started the olympics literature and had the first navy

    Lillian Mentele

  6. They the first democracy that we follow today. They have made many teachings that we use in todays school.They started a competition that is worldwide now.They started the navy which let them travel to new places.

    Jake, Folkers

  7. They gave us war olympics and teachings. And without their contributions our World wouldnt be unique as it would ever be!

    Kieran Smallfield


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