Wednesday, December 9, 2009

China Power!

You may have heard on the news or in conversations with people about the growing power and wealth of China. How are we(the United States) helping them get so powerful?


  1. I think that China has gained power because we get most of our products from them. That is part of the reason why America is in debt. We owe China.
    ~Shelby Jacobs~

  2. China is pretty wealthy from all the things that U.S.A buys from them! If you look ANYWHERE you will see "made in china". China's products or clothing is like 3.5/4 of United States Sale accessories. We are buying most of China's makings. Some people are won't buy items that say Made in China mostly because of the poor quality which I think its sluggish. Some items can break, but what do you expect the chineseeings (chinese i dont know how to spell chinese eings just put that together and thats what I ment to say) to make it perfect? Nobody can do perfect things GO TEAM CHINA!!!!! BDDD or :DDDDDDDD :OOOOOOOO :))))))))) ChInA


  3. I think that we are getting them more powerfull because we are buying pretty much everything that we own from China. And also the government is borrowing pretty much all of our money from China. We are in like 5 billion dollars and its like all from chiana . Every person in the USA owes 39,342.27 for us to get out of debt. Our whole nation owes 12,095,299,087,881.30 dollars and it is rising by the second. So as you can see that pretty much all goes to China.

  4. Well they are a very powerful country we owe china big time because if it wasen't for China we wouldn't have most of the toys we have in the U.S. Most of the things in our household are from china. Most of everywhere get things from china and they have to pay a lot, so all money goes to them. Thats what makes them so rich and powerful!

  5. i think most of the money is coming from us because i was reading the other blogs and i think they were right most of the of their money is coming from U.S.A buying all there other products like cars,toys,furniture,cups,silver were, plates,phones,and toys. but i think there are lots more but at least 5-10 people are buying these stuff every hour and each thing being about $100.00 or over

    phynix Vang!!!:)

  6. I think we are buying so many things from China that it is becoming a very powerful industry. I think that 80% of the things in my house are China made things. But I do agree some things are poorly made and do break.

    ~Zach Schatz~

  7. But all of you dont forget that last year they put lead in the toys. But america still loves chaina. Mst of the things you look at is from chaina. Like next 4th of july think who made thos fire works.
    ~By Thayer~

  8. Good posts class! You've obviously done some research on this topic!

  9. We are helping them by buying a ton of their toys and other things. If you look at your computer it probably say "Made in China". We are in debt to them by lord knows how much.
    ~Jamie Sorensen~

  10. I believe each and every comment tht u all put on here. The U.S.A. has bought alot of stuff tht China has made. It can help the econemy and the future. It helps the future by what we r planning on doing and it can also go down hill by knowing if we have enough money to afford the things we buy. You might all see MADE IN CHINA stickers on ur toys and other produts tht u have.
    IT isn't always on there as tht name though there is MADE IN TIWAN too. There also is MADE IN THE USA. We just don't pay any attention to tht and we should it is important. Tht also leads to if there is an ingrediant in a food tht u shouldn't eat and u do, or a posion tht is contagious and u don't even know tht u got it becuz u didn't read the sticker..WHY? becuz we r too lazzzzzy..:D.

    From: Your Favorite Student,
    Summer Allstot, Period 7

  11. We buy alot of things from China that is why there is alot of labels that say "MADE IN CHINA".
    But we also still owe them money to because almost every product I see says "MADE IN CHINA".
    We also buy there food from many fancy restrunts.
    -ashley johnson P7

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  13. but not really the fancy food from restraunts!
    Ashley johnson p7

  14. I think china is awesome the food rocks who would be insane not to i Know this china resturuant and its awesome its called the golden bowl if anybody wants to tyr it so go. Go Now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    By: Mitchell, flyingrubberbands Rock

  15. Yeah i think that China is getting so powerful because we buy their products(a.k.a. junk) and sell it just so we have MORE money. A whole bunch or their stuff has recalled and were the ones selling it so then we make less money. We can't sell it back to them either!!!! So don't buy chinese junk... it WILL get recalled someday.
    T.T.Y.L. CP,

  16. we are buying there stuff that they make
    jamal. albousafi p.7

  17. they have lots of money because we by alot of there products. like toys. most are made by china so if you look on the botom of a toy or on the tag of a shirt or pants it would be more likly to be made in china. we by things from china because there things are more advandce.
    for example a kite you think ther just four sided kites but china made dragen kites.

    Josh Hoeck P7

  18. P.s there dragen kites are more advandce and dificlt.

    Josh Hoeck P7

  19. we are buying their toys clothes and acessories and food and we need their things to surive the weird thing is almost everything we eat and wear is from china we don't get much from other countries Gaige and charlie

  20. We buy pretty much all of our stuff from china like pencils, clothes, fireworks,etc. and there getting more powerful from us buying from them

    Taran Jaber

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  22. Yes, China is powerful, but it doesn't mean that we're lazy, China has some of the best natural resources needed to make products.

    ~Emma Heckel~


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