Sunday, April 25, 2010

How did Rome's contributions differ from Greece's contributions to today's world?


  1. One was greece invented democracy, wich is still uesd today
    Another was they made up the olympics wich is also used today
    lastly they had the very first navy

    - matt (matt dowg)

  2. Greece invented the basic gov't (ex. democracy, republic, majority rules) while Rome went more in depth with the gov't (ex. checks and balances, the senate, and 3 branches of gov't. Also Greece focused more on advancing the mind while Rome focused on advancing buildings.
    :D - Kelsey Sprout Pd. 2

  3. Rome invented more stuff then Greece. Greece invented demoracy, had the first navy, started the olympics, and etc. But Rome on the other hand had sports, created concrete, gave us the idea for women to have rights too, Made the three government branches, and etc. They different because like rome like over did what Greeace did king of because, they came up with the three branches, and the idea of women having rights.
    ~Madisen Stratmeyer~ Pd.2 :P

  4. Greece they did stuff and Rome did and invented stuff. Greece invented democracy, republic, debates, majority rules, first olympics, first army, ect. But Rome had the idea of roads, invented aquaducts, invented concrete,and had ideas of checks and balances. Rome invented more but Greece did more.
    **~Becky R. P.2~**

  5. rome gave us the idea of laws while greece used democracy to influence our world today. rome made the three branches of gov't and greece's plato made a republic. rome made the idea of checks and balances while greece taught math.


  6. Rome gave us more ideas that help us today and that we use today.

    Melissa Sletten

  7. They gave us Pythagoras made advacements in geometry and triangles. They also gave us the idea women should have rights. Made vaults and curved ceilings. Had idea of senate. Thats a lot of advancement there are many many more too but this is all I've got!
    ~Aditi Patel~ Pd. 3

  8. They helped with geometrty and triganomotry and other math ideas. Without them we would not be far in advancements.

    ~Jamie Sorensen~

  9. Rome gave us ideas about laws and that they should be fare, Greece invented democracy which are both about government.Rome studied anatomy, while Greece (Plato) invented republican.

    ~Gaige and Griffin~ :):)


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