Sunday, April 25, 2010

How is your final project coming along?


  1. It was fun! The play was great! Everybody was on task in our play Matt- Fancy Pants Tailer Did a Great Job! And helped with the idea of our names! Ash- The King He's such a good actor he's ment for the big screen! Kira- Culturist Said her lines and made it even better with that Oh No You Didn't Voice ;) Iesha- Chelsea Latley She had the most parts and did really good with the facts and would make a good talk show host... Ellie- Dr. Phil Haha! She plays PERFECT for Dr. Phil! Me- The Hobo! I Did The Hobo Part :) Yay! Everyone did GREAT! One concern we had was we didn't finish our script so we had to add some lines in... Well I didn't I Was Dead :( Ash, Matt, Ellie, And Iesha did and they did good!

    KATERINA!!!! :) :P ;) >.< :}

  2. our play was kewl. i was dr phil wearing awesome nerdy glasses. we didnt have very many facts in our script or get it finished but i think we did good. we were like on a talk show,called chingy live, talking about the middle ages.

    ellie <3

  3. I loved doing the play! Well we did like a talk show thing but still.It was a great way to sum up the middle ages, mid evil times. I was the hostess named Chealse Lately which was really fun. I know we didnt have very many facts in our play but i think we did petty good because you know we could have done way worse an we did have some facts in there about the midevil times. Ellie, Matthew, Ash, Katerina, an I did a good job in my point of view. I loved the play an someday i hope we get to do something like this again!


  4. I had so much fun doing that Play. The play was kinda bad, but we all had so much fun writing it and doing it. The Rehersal was better than the actual ply, but we had fun any way.
    Ash =)8) XD

  5. I took info from google and the info sheet you gave us about the three branches of government, I then combined that info and put it into catagories and bullited them, I put facts about each one, I tried to put an equal amount of facts in each one and then emailed it to you.
    From, Heather Akins

  6. I took Information from google and i combined it all togetther and put it into a table on Microsoft Word and I made sure i had a equal amout in each one.

    ~Zach Schatz~

  7. Most of my info came from the sheet. A little of the info came from a website. I wrote a ruff draft in my notebook then I typed it on to the computer. From Jared P

  8. we made the three branches of government progect and we made it in microsoft word we made boxes put in the information in to the boxes with bulltes and i got it done and thats about it from devin olson

  9. The project we did in the lab about the 3 branches of govenment was fun because we got to use the computers It was way better than writing it on pen and paper because writing hurts your hand after you write a lot and tyoing doesn't. We also got to play games when we were done.

    ~Griffin Lockwood-Powell P. 3

  10. the project the class did was awesome. It was a great experience on the computer and on word. It was also fun learning a little more about the three branches of government.I was glad we didn't have to do the project on paper because that would ware out your hand.from charlie p.3

  11. The project was easier on the computer than writing it on paper because we got to use the internet and after you were done you just had to e-mail it instead of hand it in. plus great way to recycle...

    -Autumn Palmlund-

  12. The paper was really easy to write because it was just a list of things that they had contributed. And the actual making of the document on gmail was wierd (for me) because you had to send all of the papers to one person. And It was also easier because of the "computer" way. It would have sucked to write it all out.

    ~!_~Kieran Smallfield~_!~

  13. The project was very easy. Google documents was easy to deal with. You get to just put them all into one and then you are done. Easy as pie. The project was easy too cause all you have to do is just put all of the contrubutions they did and list them. We should use it for further things. This is the only class where we use a lot of technology. I like it, it is the future.

  14. Making the paper was for the most part easy except that we couldn't find a more convenient way to send the documents. But I enjoyed it because it did not require any work at home, I also liked using email to send the documents. Gathering the information was easy as well. All in all the project was a nice break from the more tedious work in recent weeks.

    Elizabeth Looby :-)

  15. I liked this project because you got to lock over the whole roman section. It was also fun because you had to work toghther and it was fun.


  16. I liked the way of putting all the assingments together. It made in a lot easier. I also liked that all o fus had different ideas so since we put all the work together every one of us got to share. It was funny seeing how sometimes the opposite of a word or phrase came out and we had a big problem. But everthing got figured out and we turned in an exelent project!
    ~Shelby Jacobs~

  17. I loved making the project. It was fun to see where the everyday inventions we use came from- Rome and Greece. It was really easy to type it up- I liked it much better than handwriting it. The Google Documents made it easy to transfer the projects onto one big document. We all had very different ideas, and it was cool to see what other people had put down on their project. It was so much fun, and I hope we can do other projects like that.
    ~Emma Heckel~

  18. The project was so much easier than just rewriting the whole again,much faster too. I loved doing it this way.When we tried to attach Taylor's,well it didn't have any thing there it erased the whole thing.But using the google documents made it easier to transer Alicia's and mine into one big document. It was interesting to see what my other partners put down. I hope we can do more projects like this again. It was Fun!
    -Autumn Lundeen

  19. It is good it is really easy and fun i hope to do another project like that next year!


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